An Open Letter to Fair View Cemetery


 Subject: Immediate Withdrawal of Crematorium Proposal

To Whom It May Concern,

With the passage of Bill A-5275 in the New Jersey Assembly and the impending passage of S-4008 in the New Jersey Senate, the Leadership Team of has instructed our legal representation, Ms. Zoe Ferguson of Lieberman, Blecher & Sinkevich, to formally demand that Fairview Cemetery immediately and permanently withdraw their application to the Middletown Planning Board for Site Plan Approval to build a toxic and hazardous crematorium along Oak Hill Road.

Additionally, our legal counsel will be requesting that the Middletown Planning Board grant a 60-day adjournment to the April 3rd Planning Board Meeting.

The Leadership Team is unwavering in its commitment to protect the well-being of our community, our environment, and most importantly, our children. Crematoriums—especially those situated within 1,000 feet of residential areas, youth athletic fields, parks, and schools—pose a significant and undeniable toxic thre­at. Given the proximity of the proposed site to these sensitive areas, this crematorium would expose our children to a dangerous and lasting environmental hazard, one that will continue to impact future generations.

We are resolutely opposed to the approval and construction of this crematorium, and we demand that Fairview Cemetery fully acknowledge the harmful and irreversible consequences this proposal will have on Middletown and its residents, particularly its children. The documented evidence of pollution and the adverse effects on public health are indisputable. We insist that Fairview Cemetery cease this misguided proposal immediately, recognizing the irreparable damage it will cause to our community.

This matter has dragged on for far too long. It is time for Fairview Cemetery to recognize what is glaringly clear to everyone: this proposal is a threat to our community and must be terminated without delay.

We await your prompt action to withdraw this dangerous application once and for all.

The Leadership Team

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An Open Letter to Fair View Cemetery

 Subject: Immediate Withdrawal of Crematorium Proposal To Whom It May Concern, With the passage of Bill A-5275 in the New Jersey Assembly