Do Now: Send Email to Tony Perry, Pat Snell & John Deus
Do Now: Please send emails to Tony Perry, Patricia Snell & Chairman John Deus (Middletown Planning Board) to voice your opposition to the proposed Fairview Cemetery Crematorium. Follow the link below to see the letter we could like you email to them. Please copy & paste the letter into your email & add your personal info to the letter where indicated before sending. Their email addresses are included in the letter. Please type done below once your emails have been sent. Also, please consider donating to our legal fund. http://smarturl.it/SFCLetter
Do Now – Join our email list 3/1/19
We want to communicate with you. Please join our email list and ask your friends to do the same!Click here to subscribe.
Do Now – Add Friends to Facebook 2/27/19
Word is Spreading about this toxic plan, but we need to continue this momentum. There are still so many living in Middletown who are not aware of this dangerous proposal. Please help spread the word! So, we are announcing our First “Do Now”! It is very easy and simple! Add one of your friends or neighbors to our Facebook discussion page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/StopFairViewCrematorium/ When completed, comment below with “done”! Please look for other Do-Nows” over the coming days as continue to fight this dangerous toxic plan that provides no benefit to our community.
Do Now 2/27/19 – Spread the Word!
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