Update #8 – Nov 26, 2019


Hello Everyone, Happy Fall!
There has been little movement or recent events to report regarding our fight. So, No News is Good News! The injunction against the cemetery still stands and Fair View has not applied for any permits to move forward. We are keeping a careful eye on this and will act if there is any movement

There is one interesting thing currently happening that is tangentially connected to our cause. Last Monday, on the agenda for the Town Committee, was a proposal to fund the construction of turf fields at Normandy Park. Additionally, there are plans to build more fields throughout the town to address the shortage of athletic fields (mostly soccer) and high participation levels. As we know, the lease of Fairview Fields between the town and Fair View Cemetery expires in December of 2020. If the town builds more fields above and beyond Fair View Fields, then the cemetery cannot hold the lease of their land over the heads of the town council in order to gain approval for the dangerous and unnecessary crematorium.

We applaud these efforts and planning in using appropriate spaces for organized activities!

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we would like to state what we are thankful for. Of course, we are thankful for wonderful families, our amazing children and our health and happiness. We are also thankful for our great neighbors (who throw amazing block parties) and wonderful community. But we are also very thankful for the support and devotion from family, friends, neighbors and residents of Middletown who continue to stay informed, engaged, and active in making sure existential threats like transmission power lines and crematoriums do not harm and pollute the people and families of Middletown.

Thank you so much!

From the Leadership of SFVC to you, Happy Thanksgiving.

Andy, Rich, Sharon, Kim, Julian, Steve, Regina, and Patrice

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