Month: March 2019

Residents Determined To Stop N.J. Cemetery From Building Crematorium – Ch 2 CBS News 3/18/19

MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — Plans to build a crematorium next to a quiet neighborhood has residents crying out, “not in my backyard.” “Burning 10 bodies a day in the middle of a neighborhood full of children is ridiculous. We care about this neighborhood,” Bayville resident Wendy Venezio told CBS2’s Vanessa Murdock on Monday. Many who call the […]

Middletown Residents Fighting A Crematorium Project – 94.3 The Point

Middletown Residents Fighting A Crematorium Project – 94.3 The Point

Many residents in Middletown are up in arms about what they call a ‘crazy proposal’ to build a crematorium in a residential area. One longtime homeowner has written an open letter regarding Fairview Cemetery’s Crematorium Proposal that will endanger lives not just in Middletown, but in all the towns surrounding it. Many of the concerns […]

Do Now: Send Email to Tony Perry, Pat Snell & John Deus

Do Now: Send Email to Tony Perry, Pat Snell & John Deus

Do Now: Please send emails to Tony Perry, Patricia Snell & Chairman John Deus (Middletown Planning Board) to voice your opposition to the proposed Fairview Cemetery Crematorium. Follow the link below to see the letter we could like you email to them. Please copy & paste the letter into your email & add your personal […]

Announcement Update

Announcement Update

Less than three weeks ago, residents within 200 feet of Fair View Cemetery received a notice in the mail that a dangerous, unhealthy and toxic crematorium potentially has made an application to the Middletown Planning Board to build on a vacant, residentially zoned property that is surrounded by neighborhoods, soccer fields and environmentally sensitive lands. […]

Middletown Group Opposes Potential Crematorium –

Middletown Group Opposes Potential Crematorium –

A group of Middletown residents are planning to attend the Planning Board meeting on March 20th at 6:30pm to oppose the potential building of a two-chamber crematorium on Oak Hill Road between Poricy Park and Fairview Soccer Fields.  The opposing residents are concerned about the location being too close to residential neighborhoods and the toxic fumes […]

The Issue at a Glance

The Issue at a Glance

Fairview Cemetery, located in Middletown, NJ, wants to build a two-chamber crematorium in the middle of the Oak Hill/Colts Glen residential developments.  This is also in the immediate area of retail stores  and other residential neighborhoods that are located outside of the required 200 ft notification zone. You will recognize the names: Union Square, Maguire’s […]

Cancer patient’s treatment leaves radiation contamination in crematory

Cancer patient’s treatment leaves radiation contamination in crematory

link to original CNN article​ (CNN)Radioactivity was detected on the oven, vacuum filter and bone crusher of an Arizona crematory where a deceased man who’d received radiation therapy was incinerated, according to a new case report. Worse still, a radioactive compound unrelated to the dead man was detected in the urine of an employee there. […]

Toxin Radius Map

Toxin Radius Map

A map of a 6-mile radius surrounding the proposed Fairview Crematorium site. Below is a mathematical model developed by a local researcher and supplied to us to show the possible pollution generated by a fully-loaded crematorium on Oak Hill Road. According to the mathematical calculations developed:Infants in a 2-mile radius can be exposed to 280x […]